I Have My Own Problem

A song I wrote about a specific person in my life who would only complain every time I spoke with them

November 22, 2024

When I ask how you’re doing
I can see it on your face
Before you say the usual “not great”
Why do I ask when you answer the same

I never get a break

I have my own problem
I won’t tell you
You’ll complain about it
To someone new
I got my own problem
I will not share
Have you figured it out yet?
It’s you, yeah

Either by phone or face-to-face
Negative words hit like waves
Your glass is not half empty, it’s about to

Different issue, different day

I have my own problem
I won’t tell you
You’ll complain about it
To someone new
I got my own problem
I will not share
Have you figured it out yet?
I don’t care

Do you ever wonder why no one is there for you?
Maybe it just comes down to your attitude?
Have you ever considered your inability to filter the things you share
Is the reason why when you look around, there’s no one there?

I have my own problem
I won’t tell you
You’ll complain about it
To someone new
I got my own problem
I will not share
Have you figured it out yet?

I have my own problem
I won’t tell you
You’ll complain about it
To someone new
I got my own problem
I will not share
Have you figured it out yet?

It's you

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