Ringing in My Head

A song to my late great-grandfather that I needed to create to escape a spiral of thanatophobia after his passing, all wrote and recorded in less than 8 hours

December 3, 2018

Is it peaceful in your mind tonight?
Can you tell me what it's like
To not think at all
And to leave it all behind?

I want to embrace the dark
Not split silence apart
With the sounds
Ringing in my head
Ringing in my head
Ringing in my head

Is it peaceful where you are tonight?
You know everybody misses you
Can you tell me what it's like
So I won't be scared when I go to?

I want to embrace the dark
So I can find its light
And these questions will stop
Ringing in my head
Ringing in my head
Ringing in my head

And these fears will stop
Ringing in my head
Ringing in my head

This website was proudly made with Nuxt, styled with TailwindCSS, and deployed to Vercel.